Sunday, May 28, 2017

Guided Rockets

There are a number of "Guided Rockets" that are designed to be used by existing 2.75" Rocket Pods used by our Air Force. This makes their integration and use with our aircraft a little bit easier and faster. Among these are:

- Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS)

- Low-cost Guided Imaging Rocket (LOGIR)

- Guided Advanced Tactical Rocket (GATR)

- Cirit

The good thing about these Guided Rockets is that both of our fixed and rotary winged (particularly our new AW109s) aircraft can use them. Guided Bombs like the Paveway series and Joint Attack Direct Munition (JDAM) are usually only mainly used by fixed wing aircraft, not helicopters.

If we do get to have these weapons, it would be a significant advantage when used in Urban Warfare to take out enemy positions since they are not only effective, precision also minimizes Collateral Damage.

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