Sunday, March 18, 2018

List of Posts Related to the HHI Frigate Issue

I am collecting below all of the important posts I made with regards to the issues surrounding the Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) Frigates.

* Senate Hearing Recap So Far - 2/19/18, 1228H

* Senate Hearing Recap So Far - 2/19/18, 1508H

* Change in the Technical Specifications of the Frigates

* South Korean Navy Datalink Standard?

* South Korean Aegis Ships with Link 16

* HHI Frigate Maker's List Issue Started on Sep. 2016

* PN - HHI Technical Workshop was held on Sep. 26-30, 2016

* HHI Maker's List that is Part of the Contract was Signed by Col. Dayao

* CMS Link 16 Compatibility Contradiction

* GMA7's Video of the Entire Senate Hearing last Feb. 19, 2018 on the HHI Frigates

* Lacson's Questions on Cmdr. Bartolome and Col. Dayao During the HHI Frigate Senate Hearing

* Frigate Project Supplemental Bid Bulletins

* Adm. Mercado was a Member of the Post-Qualification Team

* Ret. Adm. Taccad Should be Called into the Next Senate Frigate Hearing

* Col. Dayao's Basis for Signing the Maker's List

* AFP is Not at the Mercy of the Suppliers

* Hanhwa CMS' Compliance to the Specifications

* Requirements for the TDL and CMS Upgrade

Submission of Two Sets of Subsystems during the SOBE by HHI

Navy Frigate deal: What we need to know 

DND Secretary Delfin Lorenzana’s response to an open Letter on the PH Navy’s Frigate Project 

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