Thursday, August 22, 2019

Hanhwa Systems wins the Contract for the Upgrade of the Del Pilar class Ships

The Department of National Defense (DND) just posted the Notice of Award (NOA) to Hanhwa Systems of South Korea for the upgrade of the Del Pilar class ships worth Php 1.3 billion.

The British company Ultra Electronics Ltd actually provided the lowest bid for the project but was disqualified during the Post-Qualification (PQ) due to their inability to comply with the Financial Requirements of the bid, including among other things, the Net Financial Contracting Capacity (NFCC).

Ironically, this is the same issue that was found with the Indian company Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) when they bid for the Philippine Navy’s (PN) Frigates. GRSE also was the lowest bidder in that bid, but was disqualified due to the same NFCC failure.

Hanhwa’s bid was lower by more than Php 200 million compared to the budget of Php 1.54 billion for the project, so the government was able to save that much money for this bidding.

The upgrade includes the following:
- Hull Mounted Sonar
- Combat Management System
- Radar Electronic Support Measure

So it seems that aside from the BRP Conrado Yap, all three Del Pilar ships will at least have some Submarine Detection and Tracking capability. But it will still lack weapons though like Torpedoes or Anti-Submarine Rockets to attack any enemy Submarines out there it will be able to detect and track. Hopefully that will be addressed in another future upgrade of the ships.

We now have one ship, the BRP Yap with full Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) capability; The two Jose Rizal class Frigates scheduled to be delivered next year will also have that capability. Then we have these three Del Pilar vessels that will at least have Submarine detection and tracking capability. That’s a total of six vessels that can at least detect Submarines for the Navy.

You can view the NOA here:

You can view the revised Technical Specifications here:

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