Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Defense Secretary Lorenzana might ask exemption for the Military on the ban on Grants and Loans

Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said that he might ask President Duterte to exclude the military from the ban of accepting Grants and Loans from the countries that backed the United Nations (UN) Resolution to investigate the Administration’s War on Drugs.

The best scenario here would be for the President to agree and give the Military a blanket exemption so it will not have to worry about current and future transactions.

Another scenario would be that it might be on a case to case basis only, meaning only the most critical transactions will be exempted while others won’t. And also no more future transactions might be allowed.

The worst scenario is if the President does not allow any exemptions at all, hence deals like the ones with Australia and Austal for the Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPV) will be affected.

SOURCE: Defense Chief mulls seeking exception to Foreign Aid ban

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