Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Additional details on the Philippines’ acquisition of the Mi-17 Helicopter

The Manila Bulletin provided some additional details on the Philippines’ purchase of the Mi-17 Helicopter from Russia:

* The free Mi-17 Helicopter that came along the 16 units to be procured is supposed to be for Very, Very Important Person (VVIP) Transport.

* The sale is reportedly being offered to the Philippine Air Force (PAF) thru a Private Company.

* There is reportedly some concern that the sale is being rushed.

So it seems like the extra Mi-17 could be specially fitted and be assigned to the Presidential Airlift Wing of the PAF.

As for the sale going thru a third party, it could be a mechanism in an attempt to bypass the United States’ (US) Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) Law. One follower did say that in a comment, but then subsequently deleted that comment.

However, some articles have come out to discuss this before, like this one from the National Interest: This Trick lets Countries buy deadly Russian Weapons while avoiding U.S. Sanctions. At any rate, I hope it works.

As for the sale being “rushed”, as I mentioned before, talk about getting Mi-17 Helicopters went as early as late 2016 or three years ago, so I don’t understand why this is being described as “rushed”.

If they only started the legwork for this sale recently, then somebody could be sleeping on the job, maybe unintentionally or intentionally to the benefit of the Americans.

Some transactions can move fast, like the purchase of the FA-50PH Fighting Eagles, for example, which took less than a year from Contract Negotiations to Signing.

PH poised to buy 16 Russian Choppers; Duterte all set for Moscow visit
* Hip or Hind Helicopters for the AFP?
Philippine FA-50 Fighting Eagle Acquisition Timeline

Update (10/04/19): This report turned out to be false after Sec. Lorenzana denied it. See this article for more information - Sec. Lorenzana denies that there is an impending Mi-17 deal

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