Saturday, October 12, 2019

FA-50 and KT-1 Updates – 09/14/19

Some updates about the FA-50 and KT-1 released by the South Korean news publication Segye Ilbo from last month (September 14, 2019):

* Some of the technology used in the T-50A aircraft proposed by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) to the United States Air Force (USAF) will be used to improve the FA-50.

* Planned integration of the Taurus K-2 missile to the FA-50. This was mentioned before in previous news articles, though.

* AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile (AMRAAM), I-Derby, Meteor and Mica missiles are now being considered for integration into the FA-50.

* Integration of the Sniper Pod and GBU-12 Paveway II Laser Guided Bomb (LGB) of the FA-50 is targeted to be completed in 2020.

* Integration of a Refueling Probe into the FA-50 is being considered.

* The size of the External Fuel Tanks (EFT) that the FA-50 can carry will be increased from the current 150 gallons to twice the size to 300 gallons.

* An extra Fuel Tank on the rear fuselage is being considered as well as converting the rear seat into another Fuel Tank will increase the aircraft’s flight time by 22 to 60 minutes.

* The KT-1 will reportedly be exported to the Philippines and Spain.

SOURCE: 국산 훈련기 노후화 ‘심각’…성능개량 이뤄질까 [박수찬의 軍]

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