Sunday, October 27, 2019

Philippine Marines shown Russian Naval Infantry Demonstration, Training and Weapons in 2018

Late post, here is some news and pictures about how our Philippine Marines were were shown demonstrations of the capabilities, training and weapons of the Russian Naval Infantry, or their equivalent to our Philippine Marine Corps (PMC).

Our Marines even got to try shooting AK Rifles and get a close look at their BTR-82A Amphibious Armored Vehicle. See the link of the original article somewhere below, and I am reposting the English translation by Google Translate of this article directly below. I am also reposting pictures from the original article.


Marines of the Pacific Fleet showed the Sailors of the Philippines Navy an Episode of Landing on an unequipped Coast

Major General Dmitry Kovalenko, Deputy Commander of the Pacific Fleet for Coastal and Land Forces, told Captain 1st Rank Florente Narola Gagua, commander of the National Navy operational formation, about the history of the creation of the Marine Corps in the Pacific Ocean, the tasks of the Marines, and the principles of selection for service in the Marine Corps.

The episode was presented to the attention of the guests at the landfill with an amphibious assault landing on an unequipped coast during which the new BTR-82A simulated a float from a large landing ship and an approach to the coast. Filipino sailors were also shown how the marines, with the support of armored personnel carriers, using small arms and grenade launchers, engage in defensive combat, marines passing an obstacle course, and performing hand-to-hand combat.

The Filipinos were given the opportunity to test their strength on the obstacle course, and after instructing in safety measures, they trained in firing from standard models of small arms of marines.

 During a visit to the training ground, guests were shown samples of modern military equipment that is in service with the Pacific Fleet coastal forces. Also, Filipino sailors tasted soldier's porridge and tea prepared here in the field kitchens.

SOURCE: Морпехи Тихоокеанского флота показали морякам ВМС Филиппин эпизод высадки морского десанта на необорудованное побережье

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