Thursday, October 31, 2019

Philippine Navy Submarine Program Article by the Meta-Defense France Website

Here is an interesting article about the recent history of the Philippine Navy’s (PN) Submarine Program by this French website called Meta-Defense. The original article is in French, but the website allows a link to an auto-translated page in English.

There are a number of interesting things about the program that he tackled in the article, but the most interesting ones for me would be:

* Russia submitted an offer (probably for Kilo class Submarines) to the Philippines reportedly thru a Memorandum of Understanding in August 2018. The offer was good for one year but that the Philippines could not decide until the offer expired in August 2019.

* Russia was said to have resubmitted the offer this month (October 2019), hence if it is good for one year also then it will lapse in October 2020.

* The author of the article theorizes that used Submarines would be the best fit for the PN’s budget for Submarines.

The reports above about the Kilo subs seem to jive with the local news articles, remember how last year the PN was talking about the Kilos but then things sort of died down, but this month Russian Ambassador to the Philippines Igor Khovaev was again talking about Russia's Submarine offer to the Philippines.

SOURCE: Philippine Navy: Acquisition of an Underwater Capacity (2018-2022)

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