Monday, October 7, 2019

Russian Arms Export to South East Asia

This is an old article from November 2018 by the Nikkei Asian Review, but it is a must-read on the role of Russian Arms in South East Asia (SEA). Just to highlight some of the facts presented in the article:

* From 2010 to 2017, Russia exported Usd 6.64 billion worth of arms in SEA. The United States (US) in the same time period only exported Usd 4.58 billion in the region.

* Vietnam bought 78% of the share of Russian arms in SEA from 2000 to 2017. Next is Myanmar (11%), Indonesia (10%), and the remaining 1% shared by Thailand, Laos and Malaysia.

* Russia does not tie Arms Sales to a country’s Human Rights (HR) records.

* Indonesia was dependent on the US for weapons in the 1990s, but that changed when the US withheld Spare Parts and Munitions to Indonesia over Human Rights concerns in East Timor and Papua New Guinea.

* US-Vietnam relations are improving, but the author sees it is unlikely that Vietnam will be approved big ticket sales by the US Congress due to its poor Human Rights record.

SOURCE: US assault on Russian Arms Exports could misfire in Asia

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