Thursday, October 24, 2019

Submarine Acquisition Update – 10/24/19

An update on the Submarine Acquisition Project by Philippine Navy (PN) Flag Officer in Command Vice Admiral Robert Empedrad:

* Submarine acquisition by the PN has been approved in principle by President Rodrigo Duterte, but that no funds yet has been allocated for the program.

* He estimates the cost of each Submarine to be from Php 35-40 billion (Usd 673-769 million), bringing the cost for six Submarines to at most Php 240 billion (Usd 4.6 billion).

The news about Duterte approving the sub acquisition was mentioned already a couple of months ago.

I am a bit surprised though that he is now mentioning six subs now instead of just two before.

Early this month he said that Russia’s Kilo class subs were too large and expensive for the PN, but now it seems he is mentioning them again as contenders for the program.

Also, at the price of the sub he is quoting at Usd 673-769 million, that doesn't seem like for a smaller sub like the Scorpene 1000. That seems like for the bigger Scorpene 2000 already, or at least it should be.

SOURCE: Phil Navy, umaasa na maglalaan ng Pondo ang Kongreso na pambili ng Submarines

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