Monday, December 9, 2019

10 T129 ATAK Helicopters for the PAF, US to approve export of Engines?

A Turkish website reported a number of short, interesting stuff about the Philippines’ plan to acquire T129 ATAK Helicopters from Turkey, and these are:

* Ten (10) units are expected to be acquired. Previous news reports only pointed to six (6) units for acquisition.

* The United States (US) is reportedly expected to approve the export of the CTS-800 Engines (originally designed by an American Company) of the T129 Helicopters not only to the Philippines but to Pakistan as well.

The last news report about the engines was that while the US has not denied the export of the CTS-800 engines to Pakistan, they have also not approved it yet also despite the Contract between Pakistan and Turkey having been signed for almost one and half years already.

Anyway I do hope that the US indeed does approve the export of those engines, and that they do it soon.

SOURCE: T129 filosu 54 helikoptere çıktı, kaç ATAK daha verilecek?

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