Tuesday, December 24, 2019

ROKS Suncheon (PCC-767) Pohang class Corvette Decommissioned

The Republic of Korea Navy (ROKN) decommissioned a Pohang class Corvette today (December 24, 2019), the ROKS Suncheon (PCC-767).

Remember that a couple of months ago, Philippine Navy (PN) Flag Officer in Command (FOIC) Vice Admiral Robert Empedrad said that he was hoping that a Pohang class Corvette that will be decommissioned at the end of this year (2019) will be donated to the PN.

This could the ship that he was hoping for, although no report yet on what the fate of the ROKS Suncheon will be. Also there may or may not be other Pohang class Corvette that will be decommissioned before the year ends.

Also decommissioned today were two Ulsan class Frigates of the ROKN.

SOURCE: 해군 마산함,경북함,순천함 전역식 영상 입니다

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