Thursday, January 9, 2020

Notice to Proceed for the Jose Rizal class Frigates’ 76 mm Ammunition released in December 2019

Great news as the Notice to Proceed (NtP) for the Jose Rizal class Frigates’ 76 mm Ammunition was released last month (December 2019) to the Spanish company Expal Systems SA.

Expal Systems actually was only the second lowest bidder for the project, but the lowest bidder Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd / IMI Systems Ltd was disqualified due to eligibility and technical issues, hence the Contract was awarded to Expal.

The Contract is worth Php 63 million (Usd 1.2 million at the Exchange Rate of Usd 1 = Php 52.5), lower than the budget for the project which was set at Php 77 million (Usd 1.5 million). The bidding was held last February 2019.

Delivery is set no later than 8 months from the issuance of the NtP, hence it should be no later than August 2020.

The Contract called for 720 Target Practice (TP) rounds, 748 High Explosive Point Detonating (HEPD) rounds and 4 Cutaway rounds. So that’s 360 TP rounds and 374 HEPD rounds for each of the two Jose Rizal class Frigates.

So ammunition for the Jose Rizal class Frigates’ cannons will be fully armed by next year. The missiles for the ships did not go thru Public Bidding, the Anti-Ship Missiles (AShM) went thru a Government to Government (G2G) transaction while the Mistral Surface to Air Missile (SAM) went thru a Direct Contracting transaction as per the above NoA document.

No details though for those AShM and Mistral SAM have been released for now.

* Frigate Acquisition Project (FAP) Lot 2C Sublot 1 (76 mm Ammunition) Notice to Proceed
* Frigate Acquisition Project (FAP) Lot 2C Sublot 1 (76 mm Ammunition) Bidding Documents

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