Friday, February 14, 2020

Trump boasted that the US singlehandedly saved the Philippines from being overrun by ISIS

Here is another example of how the Philippine Press cherry picks the news they give their viewers/listeners/readers to fit whatever current narrative they want to relay to people.

Their narrative now is that United States (US) Donald Trump is shaming President Rodrigo Duterte because he is brushing off Duterte’s termination of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) as it will save the US a lot of money.

So they report only that, but omits the embarrassing thing that Trump boasted about next, which was that, “… the US singlehandedly saved the Philippines from being overrun by ISIS …”

Take note that not a single Press publication noted that or even showed a video of what he said, it is only thru Social Media that we got to see it.

Now the US did help during the Battle of Marawi, and we should thank them for that, but for Trump to boast that they “saved” us is clearly a gross exaggeration as all of the killing and dying were done by Filipino Soldiers, with the US’ help during the battle limited in terms of Surveillance, Training and Equipment/Ammunition Support as far as I know.

Note also that Duterte himself said back in 2017 that he was NOT the one who asked for the US’ support in Marawi, and based on his past with the US and what he is doing now, I believe him.

I am posting below a transcript of what Trump exactly said:

Go ahead, Steve.

Well I, I never minded that very much, to be honest, we helped the Philippines very much, we helped them defeat ISIS.

I get along, actually I have a very good relationship there but I, I really don't mind if they would like to do that, that's fine, it saves a lot of money.

My view is different from other people, I view it as thank you very much, we saved a lot of money.

But if you look back, go back three years ago, when ISIS was overrunning the Philippines, we came in and literally, single handedly were able to save them from vicious attacks, on their islands, but I haven't heard exactly that, the way you've expressed the question.

And my relationship as you know is a very good with their leader and we'll see what happens. You'll have to tell me that.

DDS Drei Natabio Facebook Post on Feb. 13, 2020 - 0902H
Duterte says didn't seek US Support in Marawi

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