Monday, March 23, 2020

A reminder that Vietnam also claims Pag-Asa Island

This post is a reminder to everyone about how aside from China, Vietnam also claims the Philippines’ largest and most locally popular occupied territory in the South China Sea (SCS), the Pag-Asa Island.

Vietnam calls Pag-Asa as the Dao Thi Tu and claims SOVEREIGNTY over it since it was already part of their Ba Ria Province when they were under French Colonial rule. Vietnam claims that the Philippines secretly stole the island from them in the early 1970s.

Of course Vietnam went on to clandestinely STEAL another island from us later, the Pugad Island, as I had posted before. Remember again that Vietnam occupies the most number of territories in the SCS, more than any other country including China.

Now if we can still be civil with Vietnam when they claim our largest and most locally popular territory in the SCS, why can’t we do the same with China? Should Vietnam then be treated with the same vile, disgust and hatred as some treat China because of the territorial dispute in the SCS?

Also, I am pretty sure the Philippine Press will COMPLETELY ignore Vietnam’s claims like these because it doesn’t suit their Anti-China narrative, unless of course they are shamed into doing so publicly in Social Media.

SOURCE: Official Vietdefense Facebook Page Post - 03/22/20, 1018H

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