Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Better Healthcare System needed to beat the Covid-19 Outbreak

There naturally has been a lot of talk and articles recently in our local Press about the best way to beat the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) outbreak, and much if not all of them have focused mostly on things like Mass Testing, Contact Tracing, etc.

However, when asked how his Country was able to beat the Covid-19 outbreak, Germany’s Health Minister attributed it to, first and foremost, having a good Healthcare system. They have enough Hospital Beds and Medical Practitioners to treat those who were infected.

Coronavirus: Why Germany has been so successful in dealing with COVID-19 by CNBC Television

The thing is that if you cross check what he said with experience of other Countries, it seems to check out very well. When you look at the “Number of Hospital Beds per 1,000 (NHB/1k) People” of each Country from the databank of “The World Bank (TWB)”, you will find that Germany has one of the highest in the world with 8.

Two other Countries credited with beating the Covid-19 outbreak are Japan and South Korea, and both have some of the highest NHB/1k people at 13.4 and 11.5, respectively.

On the other hand, if you look at the Countries that are struggling with the Covid-19 outbreak, these are the Countries with low NHB per 1k people. The United States (US) for example, currently the Country with the highest number of Infections and Deaths due to Covid-19, only has an NHB/1k people of 2.9.

Two other Countries hit hard with the Covid-19 outbreak, Spain and Italy only has an NHB/1k people of 3 and 3.4, respectively.

Below are the Countries with their number of Infections / Deaths due to Covid-19 as of April 21, 2020 – 1916H taken from the “WorldOMeter” website:
* United States – 792,938 / 42,518
* Spain – 204,178 / 21,282
* Italy – 181,228 / 24,114
* Germany – 147,065 / 4,862
* Japan – 11,135 / 263
* South Korea – 10,683 / 237

If this is the case, then the Philippines could be in trouble if the Community Quarantine is relaxed since our NHB/1k people is only at 1. Note that the TWB is a bit outdated, their available data is still from a couple of years ago. But I feel that they still have the most accurate data I could find, and I don’t think the NHB/1k would’ve changed dramatically too much anyway for most Countries.

The good news though is that the Government is moving in the right direction by putting up many Healthcare Facilities to augment the number of Hospital Beds in the Country. The idea is to have these additional facilities handle the less serious Cases while the most serious Cases are handled by the Hospitals themselves.

But the big question here is whether the number of Hospital Beds being put up is enough to cover the expected number of cases if the Quarantine will be relaxed.

It is also a good idea that we try to keep our Healthcare Professionals also since the Healthcare Facilities won’t be of much use if they don’t have them.

#Covid19 #Germany #Japan #SouthKorea #UnitedStatesofAmerica #USA #Spain #Italy #TheWorldBank

* The World Bank - Hospital Beds (per 1,000 People)
* WorldOMeter Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic

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