Sunday, May 3, 2020

After failing to hit Covid-19 Test Capacity Targets, the DOH is now targeting even higher Test Capacities

I just find it a bit funny that the Department of Health (DOH) couldn’t even meet their own target of 10k Tests per day for the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) in April 14, 2020 and then in April 30, 2020 as I posted before, and yet now they are targeting an even higher number of 30k Tests/Day by end of May 2020.

It is frustrating for all of us who are sacrificing a lot of convenience to make this Quarantine successful, but then seeing agencies like the DOH failing to meet the targets that they themselves set.

Whatever goal it is that they set out, these should not be a “Moving Targets” that they can easily just brush off and try again. If they set those out themselves, then they should think creatively and find all ways to ensure that they meet them, especially in this time of crisis.

Anyway I wish them luck, I hope they do meet this latest goal of theirs.

SOURCE: DOH targets 30K COVID-19 tests daily by end-May

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