Sunday, May 17, 2020

Anti-China Propaganda Operations in the Philippines from July 2018 to May 2020

News came out recently about “Philippines Province of China” Geotags being found on Social Media, and I think is just one of the long list of gimmicks or propaganda made by Pro-United States (US), Anti-China Propagandists.

Their goal is probably to spread rumor and intrigue that China wants to invade and occupy the Philippines, thus making people angry at China. They also likely are hoping that Filipinos will see the US as a sort of savior who will save them from China.

To show that this is just really Propaganda or Gimmicks, I am listing down all such operations within the last two years with links where similar gimmicks were made:

* “Philippines Province of China” Tarpaulins in Metro Manila – July 2018

* “Philippines Province of China” Tarpaulins in Quezon City – April 2019

* Sale of Chinese Flags in Luneta – June 2019

* Chinese defecating in Intramuros – January 2020

* “Philippines Province of China” Geotags on Social Media – May 2020

This is clearly just pure, shameless Political Manipulation by certain groups out there. So far none of the people involved in the above incidents have been captured or imprisoned as far as I know, and until that happens, then we will likely see more gimmicks or stunts like these.

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