Friday, May 1, 2020

Attack Helicopter Budget of Usd 270 million for the AFP

Flashback to January 2018 when a Philippine Lawmaker mentioned that the budget for the Attack Helicopters of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) was at only Php 13.8 billion or around Usd 270 million at the Exchange Rate of Usd 1 = Php 51.

If this is still the budget up now, then at the price of Usd 75 million each quoted by the United States (US) State Department recently for the AH-1Z Viper Helicopter, we can buy only around 3 units.

Or, this is just the equivalent of 1 AH-64E Apache Helicopter which the US State Department priced at around Usd 250 million. There might be some leeway here and there if less Equipment, Spares and Weapons and used for either the Viper or the Apache, but the numbers won’t increase much.

At any rate, let’s see how this will pan out, also the proposed sale of the Viper or Apache will still need to be approved by the US Congress

SOURCE: Solon says P25-B AFP upgrades a message to Terrorists: ‘We’re capable of defeating You’

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