Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Defense Sec. Lorezana on the American Attack Helicopters – May 13, 2020

Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana answered a question about the American made Attack Helicopters that was given to him during a recent Television (TV) program.

Remember that the United States (US) released details of their offer for the AH-1Z Viper and AH-64E Apache Helicopters to the Philippines recently.

Here are some of the highlights of what he said during the program:

* The study and selection of the Philippine Air Force's (PAF) Attack Helicopter program started in 2016 where a number of candidates were considered.

* The United States (US) took almost two years to respond to the PAF's request for details on their Attack Helicopters.

* Lorenzana confirms budget of only Php 13 billion (Usd 254.9 million at the Exchange Rate of Usd 1 = Php 51)

* US Attack Helicopters too expensive, only 1-2 could be bought. Attack Helicopters from other Countries are being considered.

* The Government will stop buying Attack Helicopters if the Communists will stop their armed struggle.

SOURCE: Philippines says US Attack Helicopters too expensive, seeks other Supplier

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