Friday, July 10, 2020

2 C-130 Hercules Aircraft arriving in 2020

Finally some movement on the 2 C-130 Hercules Aircraft acquired as Excess Defense Articles (EDA) from the United States (US) that was requested last year (2019).

As per the Department of National Defense (DND), one will be arriving this month (July 2020) and another one will be arriving before the end of the year.

Cost of the acquisition is Php 1.25 billion (Usd 25 million) per aircraft, or Php 2.5 billion (Usd 50 million) for the 2 aircraft at the Usd-Php Exchange Rate of Usd 1 = Php 50.

The US partially financed the acquisition to the tune of Php 900 million (Usd 18 million), not sure if this is a Grant or a Loan. The Philippines provided the remaining Php 1.6 billion (Usd 32 million).

SOURCE: Air Force to get 2 more C-130 Planes

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