Saturday, August 22, 2020

OUR SEA NEIGHBORS: Black Propaganda against China using the new 75,000 Rupiah Note in Indonesia

It seems that Black Propaganda Stunts against China are not only being done in the Philippines, but in other South East Asian (SEA) Countries as well like Indonesia, as shown in this recent example. 

A Costume on the new Indonesian 75,000 Rupiah Bank Note was singled out as supposedly a Chinese Costume, and the Indonesian Government was criticized for allowing it to be put there. 

It turns out that the Costume was not Chinese but a Traditional Costume used by one of Indonesia’s Indigenous Tribes, it was just similar in Design. 

This incident shows how busy and desperate the Americans and their Native Dogs are these days against China, I think they may be the ones who spread the Black Propaganda Hoax there. 

It is usually the Intelligence Services of a Country like the United States’ (US) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) who are Study and apply these Black Propaganda Tactics. 

SOURCE: Indonesia’s new 75,000-rupiah Banknote coins another Anti-China Hoax {Archived Link}

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