Thursday, August 6, 2020

Philippines set to overtake Indonesia in terms of Covid-19 Infections, also has the Highest Number of Covid-19 Tests in SEA

As per data from the Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS), the Philippines is set to overtake Indonesia as the Country with the most number of People infected with the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19)

However, this is likely because it also has the highest number of Tests for Covid-19 in the entire South East Asian (SEA) Region. The data shows that the Philippines has already conducted 1.6 million Tests for Covid-19 with over 115,000 infected but with only over 2,000 Deaths. 

In contrast, Indonesia already has over 116,000 infected but made only around 900,000 Tests for Covid-19. They also have more than twice the number of Deaths as ours at over 5,400. 

The Philippines has even beaten Singapore in terms of the number of Covid-19 Tests as they currently made only 1.4 million tests. 

Again Folks, this is the kind of News you will only read from Social Media. The Philippine Press will ignore this type or News, or spin it negatively since their intention is to make the Duterte Administration look bad. 

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