Monday, September 28, 2020

CIA revealed to have planned to conduct a Spy Operation in the Philippines in 2008

An Article recently revealed that Operatives of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) planned on conducting Spy Operations in Philippine Territory. 

The plan was to discreetly place an Electronic Eavesdropping Device in a Philippine Island up North using Scuba Diving Gear, but the plan did not push thru and the Spy Team was lost during a Storm. 

The Propaganda “Spin” of the Story is that they were doing it supposedly to counter Chinese Military Operations in those Philippine Islands, which I think is absurd for a number of reasons. 

First is that we don’t really know if that is true, they could just be using the Chinese Military as a Scapegoat. They could’ve planned for an entirely different Operation with an entirely different Goal altogether on Philippine Soil and just using the above Story as cover. 

Second, China did not have and still does not have any Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) with the Philippines, hence any intrusion by the Chinese Military into Philippine Territory especially in mainland Philippines without any prior notification and Legal Framework would clearly be an Act of Aggression. 

Third, if they were so eager to help us against China, then why did they abandon former President AbNoy Aquino’s call for them to them against China in 2012? That was their opportunity to “help”, and they dropped it. 

So they were “so concerned” about Chinese intrusion into the Philippines in 2008, but then dropped us when they had the chance to finally do something about it in 2012? Unbelievable. 

SOURCE: The CIA sent a Team of 4 Operators on a Spy Mission targeting China. None came back {Archived Link}

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