Thursday, October 22, 2020

Indonesia rejects the U.S.’ proposal to land and refuel their Military Aircraft there

A P-8 Poseidon Aircraft of the United States Navy, Photo from Wikimedia Commons
A P-8 Poseidon Aircraft of the United States Navy, Photo from Wikimedia Commons

In another public rebuke of the United States (US), Indonesia had reportedly rejected the US’ proposal for their P-8 Poseidon Maritime Surveillance Aircraft to land and refuel there according to anonymous Senior Indonesian Government Officials. 

Remember that back in August 2020, Indonesia had publicly rejected the idea of choosing sides between the US and China.

Note that American P-8 Aircraft are allowed to land and refuel here in the Philippines

This report is dated October 20, 2020, it is all over the News in Asia and yet up to now I cannot find a single News Organization among the Philippine Press that reported it. 

But if the News had been Indonesia going up against China, it would be all over the Philippine News, with multiple storylines so it will get as much mileage as possible.

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