Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Malampaya soon to be depleted, Joint Development of Reed Bank with China could be the way to go

Another excellent Article from Rigoberto Tiglao on the South China Sea (SCS) Issue. It covered a lot of ground, things which most of the Dilawan and Pro-American Philippine Press refuses to tell to the Filipino People. A Must-Read for everyone

Let me try to summarize some of the points of the Article: 

* The Malampaya-Camago Gas Field provides 20% of the Philippines’ overall Power requirements, it has been operating since 2002 but will be depleted by 2024. There are no solid alternatives yet as of now regarding this situation.

* The Sampaguita Field in Reed Bank could be tapped, but this will only be possible thru a Joint Agreement with China. 

* Deng Xiaoping since his rule in the 1980s has established the Doctrine of Joint Development in the SCS which China continues to pursue up to now. 

* In 2011, the First Pacific Company deployed a Vessel to try to explore Sampaguita Field, but were driven away by China. Former President AbNoy Aquino’s Foreign Secretary Albert Del Rosario is an Official of First Pacific. 

* First Pacific’s Php 25 billion investment into the Energy Sector is now in danger because of its inability to drill in the SCS.

SOURCE: Revealed: The Crux of our SCS Dispute — Natural Gas {Archived Link}

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