Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Philippines’ BrahMos acquisition update – Nov. 12, 2020

A BrahMos Missile being launched from a Mobile Launch Vehicle. Photo from Wikimedia Commons
A BrahMos Missile being launched from a Mobile Launch Vehicle. Photo from Wikimedia Commons

Some updates about the Philippines’ planned acquisition of the PJ-10 BrahMos Missile from the Indian Publication, Hindustan Times (HT):

* The Procurement Agreement or Contract of the Philippines’ acquisition of the BrahMos Missile was supposed to have been done last November 6, 2020 during a Virtual Meeting between Indian External Affairs Minister Subramanyam Jaishankar and Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. 

* However, it did not push thru because one of the signing Authorities was not able to join the Meeting. The HT did not mention who what Person was who missed the Meeting. 

* A Team from the manufacturer of the Missile BrahMos Aerospace is set to visit the Philippines next Month (December 2020) to finalize the deal. 

* India is reportedly offering a loan of Usd 100 million for the purchase of the Missiles, but the Philippines reportedly asking for a higher amount from the Indian side. The HT did not mention how much more the Philippines is reportedly asking for.

* The deal could be made instead during the Summit next Year (2021) between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Rodrigo Duterte, tentatively set on February 2021. 

* Russia’s Deputy Chief of Mission Roman Babushkin also said recently that the BrahMos will be exported to other Countries starting with the Philippines. 


I think is a bit strange that the Contract could’ve been signed last Week, but was cancelled just because one Person was not there. Could it be a negotiating tactic on either side? 

I think that India and the Philippines have yet to really agree on the loan amount for the Missiles, the Philippines is reportedly asking for more and India may not be willing yet to give it yet. 

The Report did not mention how much more than the Usd 100 million India is offering the Philippines is asking for. 

I hope that if it really is the issue, then it is not a deal breaker, and that they could finally agree on the amount in time for the Modi-Duterte Summit next Year. If not, this may drag on a bit more, or worse may not go thru at all. 

SOURCE: India, Philippines to sign deal on BrahMos Missile during Summit next Year {Archived Link}

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