Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Mother of Student who joined the NPA agrees with DND Decision

Luisa Espina's Post on Facebook agreeing with the DND's decision
Luisa Espina's Post on Facebook agreeing with the DND's decision

The Philippine Press has been making Posts after Posts and Article after Article condemning the decision of the Department of National Defense (DND) to end the Agreement banning Military Forces from the University of the Philippines (UP)

However, they almost never showed the other side, like that of Luisa Espina, for example, who lost her Daughter Louvaine Erika Espina to the New People's Army (NPA). Luisa posted on Facebook recently that she agrees with the decision of the DND, and shared how one Day her Daughter texted her that she was joining an “Event” at UP Diliman. 

She expressed her doubts to her Daughter, but she went anyway and now has been missing for 2 Years. She was just 16 Years Old then. A Finance Officer of the NPA captured in Northern Samar in October 2019 confirmed that Louvaine had indeed joined their Organization. 

I for one am hoping that despite all the unsavory News we have read over the Years about what happened to young Females joining the NPA, Louvaine and Luisa’s Story will still have a happy ending, and that it will happen soon. 

In the meantime, will the Philippine Press air Stories like this also, or will we will keep seeing these on Social Media and Blogs, hmm? 

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