Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Notice to Proceed for Phl Air Force GBADS released in Sep. 2019

The Notice to Proceed to the Israeli Ministry of Defense and Rafael Advanced Systems for the PAF GBADS
The Notice to Proceed to the Israeli Ministry of Defense and Rafael Advanced Systems for the PAF GBADS

This is a late Post, the Department of National Defense (DND) changed their Website a couple of Months ago and it turns out they uploaded a couple of Files out there as well that I only noticed just now. 

Like the Notice To Proceed (NTP) for the Philippine Air Force’s (PAF) Ground Based Air Defense System (GBADS) for example which issued to the Israeli Ministry of Defense and Israeli Company Rafael Advanced Systems Ltd since the transaction is thru a Negotiated Procurement. 

The DND only uploaded the NTP in October 2020, and the Company Rafael will supply the System. Unfortunately, though, the Delivery Date or Delivery Schedule of the System was not mentioned in the NTP, not sure if that was intentional or not. 

Another detail that was included in the NTP though was that 3 Units or Systems were acquired for the Total Price of Usd 129,648,740, or Usd 43,216,247 per Unit/System. That is around Php 6.2 billion Total Price at the Exchange Rate of Usd 1 = Php 48, or Php 2.07 billion each Unit/System. 

In January 2019 the DND confirmed that the System will be the SpyDer. With the NTP released it means the SpyDer is on its way, it is just a matter of when. 

This will be the first Surface to Air Missile (SAM) of the entire Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), and is a major step forward for the Philippines. 

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