Friday, January 22, 2021

US bullying India not to buy the S-400 SAM from Russia

The United States (US) is now bullying India into dropping its acquisition of the S-400 Triumf Surface to Air Missile (SAM) System from Russia

Note that India has no problems with Russia, in fact their relationship with Russia has been very good over the last couple of Decades. 

It is the US who has problems with Russia, and yet they are trying to involve India into their squabble by threatening them with Sanctions using their Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) if they buy the S-400. 

Why are the Americans forcing other Countries into their squabbles when we couldn’t even force them to confront China with us in 2012 in Scarborough Shoal? So they can force other Countries like us and India, but we can’t force them? Really?

SOURCE: India’s friction with U.S. rises over planned purchase of Russian S-400 Defense Systems{Archived Link}

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