Monday, January 25, 2021

US State Sec. Nominee Blinken blamed the Duterte Gov't on the SCS

Biden's Nominee for the US Secretary of State Position Antony Blinken, Photo from Wikimedia Commons
Biden's Nominee for the US Secretary of State Position Antony Blinken, Photo from Wikimedia Commons

Antony Blinken was nominated by the new United States (US) President Joe Biden to be the Secretary of State of his Administration. The Position is equivalent to the Foreign Affairs Secretary Position here in the Philippines

Eight Months ago in May 2020, before the US Presidential Elections when he was just the Foreign Policy Adviser of Biden, during an Interview with CBS News he blamed President Rodrigo Duterte on the issue of China’s aggression in the South China Sea (SCS)

Blinken said that the Duterte Administration did not take advantage of the Arbitral Tribunal's Ruling in 2016 against China. I am quoting below on Blinken’s exact Words during the Interview: 

And indeed, one of the interesting achievements and it was kind of ironic is under the Law of the Sea Treaty, there was a case that the Philippines took against China that it won. We're, of course, not a party, even though we should be on the law of the Sea. The Chinese didn't like the result. That was a great legal basis for asserting the Philippines rights, unfortunately the then new government in the Philippines decided not to take advantage of the victory it'd won in court”. 

I suspect that this will be the standard line of the Biden Administration against Digong, they will keep using it against him on the issue of China, hence the Government should start preparing for it. 

Blinken and the Biden Administration should be constantly reminded how Biden’s fellow Democratic Party Member former US President Barrack Obama abandoned former Philippine President AbNoy Panot Aquino when he called for Obama's help to confront China in Scarborough Shoal back in 2012.  

SOURCE: Transcript: Joe Biden Foreign Policy Adviser Antony Blinken on COVID Shortfalls, Failures in Syria

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