Monday, February 22, 2021

U.S. ignores Phl Internal Waters, agrees with China on Militarized Artificial Islands

Duncan Island, one of China's Artificial Islands in the South China Sea
Duncan Island, one of China's Artificial Islands in the South China Sea

Sass Sassot at her best, discussing things that the Americans and the Dilawans do NOT want everyone else to know by Cherry Picking the News. 

First off is the fact that the Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPS) conducted by the United States (US) is not only aimed at China, but also other Countries like Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and (shocked!!) the Philippines.

‘Territorial Seas, EEZs, etc.’
The US for example says that NO PERMISSION OR AUTHORIZATION IS REQUIRED for them to pass thru any Territorial Sea of any Country. 

They also don’t believe that any consent is necessary for them to conduct Military Exercises or Maneuvers in any Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of any Country. 

Now just imagine, if China were to do the exact, same thing in the Philippines’ EEZ, the American As* Kissing Dilawans would then be shouting, “Senasakop na tayo ng Tsena!!! Probenseya na tayo ng Tsena!!! (We are being occupied by China!!! We are now a Province of China!!!)”

The US also don’t believe that Archipelagic Waters like the Sulu Sea are “Internal Waters” of the Philippines, meaning they don’t believe that we are entitled to exclusive Sovereignty on it (Shookt!!! Shocked!!! Gasp!!!). 

Now just for a minute, I urge everyone here to find Map and see where the Sulu Sea is. Here is a less than ideal description of it: It is bordered by the Philippine Islands of Palawan, Panay, Mindanao, etc. 

So to the Americans, that Sea is not exclusively ours, they have the right to go there if they want to whether we like or not.

‘Militarized Artificial Islands’ 
Lastly is on the issue of China’s Militarized Artificial Islands. It turns out that the US actually AGREES with them because they believe that a Country only has the right to regulate Artificial Islands within its EEZ if those are built for Economic Purposes. 

If the Islands were built for Military Purposes, then the Country with the EEZ has no right to regulate those Islands. 

This was their Argument against the Governments of Trinidad and Tobago and Seychelles on the issue of Artificial Islands as detailed in the Book entitled, “Excessive Maritime Claims” by Retired US Navy Captain J. Ashley Roach and Robert W. Smith.

So when China built and militarized their Artificial Islands within our EEZ, THEY ACTUALLY AGREE WITH THAT. 

SOURCE: US position on Artificial Islands {Archived Link}

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