Wednesday, April 7, 2021

OUR SEA NEIGHBORS: Indonesia is beating Covid-19 using China’s CoronaVac Vaccine

The ASEAN Post's Tally of Covid-19 Cases in SEA as of 04/06/21
The ASEAN Post's Tally of Covid-19 Cases in SEA as of 04/06/21

Indonesia is beating the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) using China's CoronaVac Vaccine which the Dilawans and the American As* Kissers maligned as "Pasang Awa (Barely Passed)" only. 

For several Days now starting approximately March 30, 2021, the Philippines has started overtaking Indonesia as the Country in South East Asia (SEA) with the most number of Covid-19 Active Cases. 

This is because Indonesia's number of New Cases has been going down, Data from the WorldOMeter Website as of April 6, 2021 showed that their Covid-19 Daily New Cases has gone down to only an average of around 4,000 to 6,000 Cases compared to a high of 14,000 Cases in January 2021. In fact on April 5, 2021 it was down to only 3,721 Cases.

WorldOMeter Graph of the Daily Covid-19 Cases in Indonesia as of 04/06/21
WorldOMeter Graph of the Daily Covid-19 Cases in Indonesia as of 04/06/21

‘Indonesia’s Embrace’
The reason for this downward trend is because of Indonesia’s embrace of China’s CoronaVac right from the start. For example, as early as August of last Year (2020), Indonesia had participated in the Human Trials for the Vaccine. 

They also already had plans as early as then to produce the CoronaVac right in Indonesia itself. 

Because of this close cooperation, China was able to ship a lot more Vaccines to Indonesia, as of last Month (March 2021), they were able to ship a total of 53.5 million doses of the CoronaVac there already. 

Indonesia was also able to approve the CoronaVac and start their Vaccination Program much earlier than ours in January 2021 and as of now has already vaccinated 8.8 million of their Citizens. 

‘Philippine Criticism’
Meanwhile in the Philippines, the CoronaVac was severely criticized, intrigued and maligned by the Dilawans and the American As* Kissers, and probably goaded by the American Intelligence Services themselves behind the Scenes. 

For example, one criticism was the Price which was supposedly too high compared to other Vaccines and that some corruption might've been involved in its purchase. 

It turned out that the Commercial Price of the CoronaVac was of course different from the Government to Government Negotiated Price of the Vaccine. 

‘Efficascent Oil’
Another Propaganda was the "Efficacy-Efficacy" issue or the “Efficacy Rate” of the CoronaVac which the Dilawans/American As* Kissers said was “Pasang Awa (Barely Passed)” and therefore trying to indicate it was a “Low Quality Vaccine”.

The low Efficacy Rate issue stemmed from the one Study in Brazil where it was reported that the CoronaVac’s Efficacy Rate was at only 50.4%. 

But the reason for that low rate is because that particular Study included the “Very Mild Cases” which did not require Hospitalization. 

Other Studies of the CoronaVac which did NOT include “Very Mild Cases” or even “Mild” Cases yielded much higher results. In fact, Studies of other Vaccines totally ignore any of the mild cases altogether. 

As to why Brazil insisted on including those Mild Cases in their Study that allowed it to be used as Propaganda against the Vaccine, nobody knows, one can only speculate why. 

‘America’s Vaccine’
In the meantime, the Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 Vaccine made by the Americans and Germans that the Dilawans love so much has not made a single delivery to the Philippines 3 months after approval. 

Note that it was the very first Covid-19 Vaccine approved by the Philippines back in January 2021.

‘Parting Shot’
Had the Philippines embraced the CoronaVac right from the start as Indonesia did, it is possible that we also would’ve been beating Covid-19 also by now. 

Instead, the Dilawans/American As* Kissers/Americans made sure that the Philippines wait for the American or European Vaccines as much as possible. 

In the meantime, Covid-19 is getting worse in the National Capital Region (NCR) which of course is being used by the Dilawans to attack and accuse the Duterte Government everyday of incompetence. 

The Government is forced to go into Lockdowns, and every time it does so the near term Economic Recovery Prospects of the Country grows dimmer and more delayed. 

Once more Vaccines arrive in a couple of Months and the Economy is in doldrums, expect the Dilawans to use that again against the Government. 


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