Thursday, April 29, 2021

TAI finally given permission to export American Engines to the Philippines

A T129 ATAK Helicopter in flight, Photo from Wikimedia Commons
A T129 ATAK Helicopter in flight, Photo from Wikimedia Commons

The General Manager of Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) named Prof. Dr. Temel Kotil announced to the Turkish Press recently that his Company has finally been given permission by the United States (US) to export the CTS800 Engines licensed made in Turkey to the Philippines

Kotil said that they will start production of the Batch of T129 ATAK Helicopters to be exported to the Philippines in the coming Months. 

I am posting below the Article translated by Google Translate from Turkish to English for reference:

Permission from the USA: Turkey will export T129 ATAK to Philippines

It was stated that Turkey would export T129 ATAK helicopters to the Philippines after the permission of the USA.

Mepa News | News Center
Monday, April 26, 2021 09:36A

It was stated that Turkey would export T129 ATAK helicopters to the Philippines after the permission of the USA.

Turkish Aerospace Industry (TUSAŞ) General Manager Prof. Dr. Temel Kotil made statements on the subject.

Kotil emphasized that the serial production of the ATAK helicopter continues, and made important statements regarding the export of the helicopter.

TUSAŞ General Manager Kotil stated that permission has been obtained from the USA for ATAK exports to the Philippines and that they will start the production of T129s to be exported to the Philippines in the coming months. Kotil stated that the US has not yet granted permission to export to Pakistan.

In the T129 Attack helicopter, 2 units of 1014 kW LHTEC-CTS800-400A, developed in partnership with Rolls- Royce and Honeywell, were used as the engine. It has been expressed for some time that the engine, developed in partnership with the UK-based Rolls- Royce and the US-based Honeywell, had problems in the supply for export.

In 2020, it was reported that the Philippines gave up purchasing ATAK due to the permit problem.

SOURCE: ABD'den izin çıktı: Türkiye Filipinler'e T129 ATAK ihraç edecek {Archived Link}

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