Thursday, June 24, 2021

More details of the Black Hawk Helicopter crash in Tarlac

S-70i Black Hawk Helicopters of the Philippine Air Force, Photo by the PAF
S-70i Black Hawk Helicopters of the Philippine Air Force, Photo by the PAF

Just more details from the Article by the Philippine News Agency (PNA) regarding the recent crash of the S-70i Black Hawk Helicopter of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) in Tarlac during a Night Flight Training: 

* The Aircraft that crashed was from the first Batch of six Black Hawk Helicopters that arrived in November last Year (2020)

* A total of 6 People died in the crash, 3 Pilots and 3 Airmen

‘My Notes’
And just like that, 6 People died in a brand new Aircraft that was only delivered 7 Months ago. Each of these Aircraft cost around Usd 15 million (or Php 792 million at the Exchange Rate of Usd 1 = Php 52.79).

As per the Lockheed Martin Brochure, the S-70i is compatible with use of personal Night Vision Devices (NVD), but seeing such a brand new Aircraft crashing at night, that may not be enough. 

If the PAF really wants to use these at Night, they may want to add more Equipment for safer flying in such conditions, like a Forward Looking Infra-Red (FLIR) Device. 

They could also want to get a Full Mission Simulator (FMS) for these S-70i Helicopters so they can do realistic Night Trainings also in a much safer Environment. 


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