Saturday, July 17, 2021

The A-29 Super Tucano Flight Training Device of the Philippine Air Force

The A-29 FTD of the PAF, Photo by the 15th Strike Wing
The A-29 FTD of the PAF, Photo by the 15th Strike Wing

Here is a look at the A-29 Super Tucano Flight Training Device (FTD) of the 15th Strike Wing of the Philippine Air Force (PAF)

An FTD is a device with a functioning replica of a Cockpit and high Quality Visual Systems, but unlike a Full Flight Simulator (FFS), it is non-moving or on a Fixed Base. 

The PAF calls it as a Basic Aircraft Training Device (BATD). The way these are normally used is for Student Pilots to spend a specified number of Hours on it before they move on to the actual A-29 Aircraft itself with an Instructor. 

I can’t find any references yet on the PAF’s Training Schedule for the A-29 Aircraft, so I don’t know how many Hours they are requiring on it for now. 

* Official 15th Strike Wing Facebook Page Post, 07/06/21 – 0844H {Archived Link}
* Aviation Knowledge - Flight Simulation {Archived Link}

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