Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Anti-China, Pro-US Troll Farm attack on this Page – July 2021

Anti-China, Pro-United States (US) Troll Farm (or Farms) have been attacking this particular Facebook Post of mine for the past couple of Days by sharing it and then spamming it with Comments. Their aim is to rouse Filipinos with real Facebook Accounts to do the same thing that they are doing. 

Attacked Facebook Post dated July 12, 2021
Attacked Facebook Post dated July 12, 2021

From the Screenshot, we can see that the Post has so far generated 542 Shares, and if you look at the Sharers of that Post, most of them have been made to various Public Groups, especially to those which are Anti-China and Pro-US.

I know that some of the instigators are Trolls because either they have few Friends, or shows little detail or interactions in their Public Posts. 

‘Obvious Trolls’
Below is a sampling of some of the obvious Troll Accounts on Facebook. These have few Friends at the time the Screenshot was taken, and as you can see, they have the same Anti-China Post when President Rodrigo Duterte congratulated China’s Communist Party on their 100th Anniversary recently. 

Some of the obvious Trolls with few Friends and coordinated Posts

‘Mass Report’
Before this, the Trolls apparently tried Mass Reporting this Page. I know so because every now and then I would just suddenly get the “This Page isn’t available right now” Error while I am viewing my Facebook Account using a Desktop Computer. 

However, that had little effect because as everyone can see, this Page is still here. That Mass Reporting Strategy didn’t do much except disrupt my viewing experience for a couple of Seconds every now and then. 

And this is the reason the Trolls resorted to that Mass Sharing and Comment Spamming Strategy. Below is a sampling of the Comments by Trolls and Real Accounts they posted and which I have deleted and blocked. 

Some of the Comments by Facebook Trolls
Some of the Comments by Facebook Trolls 

‘Troll Characteristics’
From what I can see, it seems that some of these Trolls have become quite sophisticated, making it harder for Facebook’s bots to spot and shut them down. They use fake Photos, or steal them from somewhere. 

Some of the Accounts seem legit because they have many Friends, but either those Friends are also fake, or somehow they were just able to gather many Friends by sending out many Friend Requests to legitimate Accounts. 

They also have regular Public Posts which that other Trolls and real Accounts interact with, making them seem like “Real Accounts”. However, you can still spot them because they always share the same kind of Articles or Posts. 

They also try too hard, making at least once a Day on their Public Posts, posting mundane things to throw Facebook’s Bots off. 

‘Well Funded’
I estimate that the number of Troll Accounts that attacked me was at least 150, and those were just the obvious ones whose Accounts were new and haven’t had much Friends or Interactions yet in their Profiles. 

This to me indicates that the Farms are well funded, and this is is because Facebook has made it more expensive to generate multiple Accounts. 

One needs an E-Mail Account or Phone Number to make a new Facebook Account, and based on the lessons learned from Commercial Spammers, there just aren’t many E-Mail Providers out there right now who are allowing multiple Accounts anymore. 

The only way to easily get multiple E-Mail Accounts is to pay an E-Mail Provider, and that of course needs Money, a good amount of it. So the fact that these Troll Farms are able to create so many multiple Accounts is one indication that they were well funded. 

‘Parting Shot’
For now I have come up with an effective counter to these Trolls hence I have been able to keep them at bay. One of these Days, I intend to share them to help other Pro-Government Pages out there who might come or are under the same kind of attack. 

I think that these/this Troll Farm is also Pro-Opposition or Dilawan, because an Anti-China, Pro-US Ideology is one of the cornerstone of their stupi*ity. And this could have an implication in the coming 2022 Presidential Elections. 

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