Friday, August 13, 2021

Notice Of Award released to LIG Nex1 for the Torpedoes of the Jose Rizal class Frigates

The Notice of Award that was released to LIG Nex1 last April 2021
The Notice of Award that was released to LIG Nex1 last April 2021

The Notice Of Award (NOA) for the Torpedoes of the Jose Rizal class Frigates of the Philipine Navy (PN) was released to the South Korean Company LIG Nex1 last April 2021. 

The Contract is worth Usd 15.9 million, or Php 766 million using the Exchange Rate of Usd 1 = Php 48.08. It is much lower then the Php 900 million budget for the Torpedoes, lower by Php 134 million. The Weapons were acquired thru Direct Contracting. 

No mention was made on the Model of the Torpedoes, but it will be the Blue Shark Torpedo as it is the only Light Weight Torpedo (LWT) being advertised on the official Website of LIG Nex1. 

And also the Jose Rizal class Frigates are only equipped with LWT Launchers made by the United Kingdom (UK) Company Systems Engineering & Assessment (SEA) Ltd

The Blue Shark LWT is also the same Torpedo used by the AW159 Wildcat Helicopters of the PN which will be assigned to the Jose Rizal class Frigates. 

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