Thursday, September 9, 2021

Covid-19 Reflections – September 9, 2021

The Covid-19 Virus by Tmaximumge from the PXHere Website
The Covid-19 Virus by Tmaximumge from the PXHere Website

This Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Pandemic has proven to be much harder to beat than I thought. I initially believed that once the Vaccines for Covid-19 starts arriving in bulk, then we will have less infections and thus would be able to start opening up our economy again. 

But that has not happened, despite having vaccinated already 35 million of our 108 million population, the  Covid-19 infections are still rising, partly because of the fact that the Virus has mutated into a more infectious strain. 

‘The Economy or Deaths’
The problem with the situation we are now in is that we will eventually have to choose between more Deaths, or a damaged Economy. There is no in between, although the Opposition will keep insisting so. 

Either we open up our Economy and more People get infected and/or die, or continue the Lockdowns which will hurt the Economy and cause Mass Unemployment. Those are about the 2 choices. 

It seems President Rodrigo Duterte has so far chosen to sacrifice the Economy than have more Deaths, but we cannot keep using the Lockdowns for long. Already some Businesses have closed down, and some People have lost Jobs causing economic hardships.

Economic hardships breed discontent which will be exploited by the Opposition, which in turn will not be good for the sitting Administration. 

‘Populist Wave’
One thing I noticed is how this Pandemic came just after the so-called “Populist Wave” hit many Countries on Earth, a Phenomenon where Populist Leaders were elected into power, including our President Duterte. 

This Pandemic of course has been a detriment to some of those Leaders, particularly Donald Trump. I think Trump would’ve easily won a re-election had this Pandemic not happened. But it did, and now he is out and I don’t think it was a coincidence. 

The Pandemic continues to exert pressure on other Populist Leaders out there like Duterte since it is something that can be exploited by those against them. 

I don’t think China is to blame for this, I think they were intentionally used as a Scapegoat. The Virus was conveniently released in one of their Cities which has a Virus Research Institute so it can be used as a very convenient excuse. 

Ultimately, the target could’ve been to stop the Populist Wave, and remove the current Populist Leaders from Power. The problem is, I don’t have any solid proof about this, it just my deduction based on what is actually happening. 

I tend not to believe in coincidences, especially those that conveniently happen to the detriment of one side and the benefit of others. 

Despite this Pandemic being detrimental to Populist Leaders like Digong, I don’t think it will affect him much. He continues to be popular, and his handling of the Pandemic has been pretty good so far, especially for a Country like ours with a huge Population Size. 

Most of the Countries with much smaller Populations tend to do better against the Pandemic. Easier to control, less People to vaccinate, etc. 

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