Monday, November 29, 2021

Philippines now only 4th in terms of Active Cases of Covid-19 in South East Asia

The Covid-19 Status in SEA as of 11/28/21
The Covid-19 Status in SEA as of 11/28/21

News which the Main Stream Media (MSM) don’t want to share to you, the Philippines under the Duterte Administration is now only 4th overall in terms of the Total Number of Active Cases of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) in the entire South East Asia (SEA)

If the situation was reversed, like the Philippines rising to Number One in Covid-19 Active Cases, not only would the Philippine MSM have reported it immediately, they would’ve posted it several times, with several Articles about over a period of several Days or Weeks. 

This just shows how corrupt and biased they and their American-style Press Freedom has become, instead of objectively reporting the News and letting the People form opinion about it themselves, they instead have become Propagandists for whatever Private interests it is that they are serving. 

Anyway, Vietnam, which early on in this Pandemic was being praised so much by the MSM and Dilawans/Kakampinks for having such a low number of Covid-19 Cases back then is now number one in SEA with over 215,000 Active Covid-19 Cases. 

*  The ASEAN Post Facebook Page Post, 11/28/21 - 1900H  {Archived Link}

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  1. This link is a remarakably objective and useful resource for everyone,
    Togglenthrough the parameters as needed.
