Monday, December 26, 2022

China vs. the United States of America (USA), 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of China and the US, original Images from Wikimedia Commons
A composite Image of the Flags of China and the US, original Images from Wikimedia Commons

December 23, 2022: And the Anti-China Propaganda Campaign against China by the Americans and their Pinoy Dogs to sabotage President Bong Bong Marcos’ (PBBM) State Visit to China next Month of January 2023 continues. First it was “Swarming”, then “Reclamation”, and now it is “Airships”. I think it is absolutely silly for these to be Chinese Airships because compared to Fixed Wing Aircraft, Airships are SLOW, with the fastest ones go no more than 100 kph. These would be easy pickings even for our FA-50PH Fighting Eagle Aircraft. If anything, these Airships are likely made by the United States (US) operating RENT FREE from our Military Bases

December 21, 2022: The Crew of an RC-135 Reconnaissance Aircraft of the United States Air Force (USAF) probably pissing their Pants at the sight of a J-11 Flanker Aircraft of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) of China armed with live Air to Air Missiles which could’ve easily shot their Plane down. Come on, US, you can do better than just cry like a little Girl on Social Media about how, “that bad Man China” is bullying you, LMAO. The Incident happened over the South China Sea (SCS), and the J-11 reportedly came as close as 7 meters from the Aircraft. Video by the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service (DVIDS) which means that it is in the Public Domain …

November 14, 2022: For-Biden said that there is no need anymore for a Cold War between the United States (US) and China, so they’re I guess they’re now “Friends” again. What now for the Filipinos who kiss America’s A$$, will they follow their Masters and now be friendly also to China, hmm? That is the question

November 13, 2022: Looks like for-Biden has realized that the American People doesn’t appreciate his Foreign Policy of goading China into a War with their Country, so he is now changing his tune and saying he isn’t looking to go to War with China. This is just several Months after he vowed to protect Taiwan if China invades it. For-Biden’s Democratic Party got a beating in the United States’ (US) House of Representatives in the just concluded 2022 Midterm Elections, a sign that Americans are not so happy with his Administration

October 18, 2022: The Winds of War is blowing. Chinese President Xi Jinping announced recently that China intends to gain full control of Taiwan while the United States (US) President Joe Biden is forcing American Citizens working in China to quit their Jobs there or lose their American Citizenship, causing their Mass Resignation from Chinese Companies recently. Senile Biden is intent on using China to distract Americans from his failing Economic War against Russia

September 25, 2022: In a recent Survey covering 17 Arab Countries, a staggering 78% of young Arabs say they prefer China to be their Ally than the United States (US). Here in the Philippines, US Intelligence Services are working extra hard behind the Scenes to ensure that the Philippines stay subservient to the US

July 4, 2022: A recent Survey of Central Banks around the World showed that 85% of them either already have the Chinese Yuan Currency in their Reserve, or are interested in acquiring it. This means that the United States (US) Dollar’s dominance in the World will continue to erode

July 6, 2022: Looks like the Americans are panicking about President Bong Bong Marcos’ (PBBM) initiative for the Philippine Military to have closer ties with China’s Military to the point that the Official Publication of the Association of the United States Air and Space Forces published an Article about it

June 28, 2022: So, China will send their Vice President (VP) Wang Qishan to Bong Bong Marcos’ (BBM) while the United States (US) can’t even send their VP also, just the Husband of their VP. And to think that BBM even invited US President Joe Biden into his Inauguration. That shows the lack of importance the US regards the Philippines, or that BBM just isn’t kissing their a$$es enough in their Eyes
SOURCE: SMNI News Facebook Page Post, 06/28/22 - 1944H {Archived Link}

June 20, 2022: While the United States (US) invaded Iraq, spends almost only on its Military and talks about War, War and more War, China is out there building 1,000 Schools in Iraq. These Schools are not a donation by China though, they will be paid by Iraq but not in Currency but in terms of Oil Products

June 13, 2022: A recent Survey made by the Ichikowitz Family Foundation showed that Young Africans felt that the Foreign Power that has had the most Positive Influence in their Lives is China rather than the United States (US) 

June 9, 2022: China’s ability to track United States Navy (USN) Aircraft Carriers using Satellite Sensors and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are worrying Western Defense Observers that these Carriers may now be even more vulnerable to Missile Attacks by China

May 13, 2022: So the United States (US) is pledging only Usd 150 million to South East Asian (SEA) Countries while giving Ukraine Usd 40 billion to fight their War against Russia? Really? There are 10 SEA Countries, so that’s only Usd 15 million per Country. They should make the other way around, give Ukraine the Usd 150 million while give Usd 40 billion to SEA

May 10, 2022: China is now reportedly able to track the Aircraft Carriers of the United States Navy (USN) in Real Time using a Satellite equipped with powerful Imaging Sensors and Artificial Intelligence (AI). This will enable them to target these Carriers if needed with their Missiles more quickly and effectively

May 10, 2022: The Chinese Government is stopping the use of the Windows Operating System (OS) made by the American Company Microsoft Corporation on all of the 50 million Personal Computers (PC) being used by its Offices and switch instead to the Linux OS which is free to use, modify and distribute. The switch is expected to be completed within the next two Years. 

April 25, 2022: Again, so hilarious to see how the United States (US), who has Military Bases in 85 Countries and Territories, is now willing to go to war with China just because China is putting up a Military Base in the Solomon Islands. So who’s the “War Monger” now, eh?

April 23, 2022: I think it is just absolutely hilarious that the United States (US), who has around 85 Military Bases in various Countries and Territories, is now warning China of establishing a Military Base in the Solomon Islands. This is just the kind of hypocrisy that the US feels they are entitled to

April 9, 2022: THREE Chinese Cities are now the Number One (Beijing), Number Two (Shanghai) and Number Three (Shenzhen) Cities in the World with the most number of Billionaires. Only one American City made it to the Top Ten List, New York

February 22, 2022: Just a comparison between the Tiangong Space Station made by China (the top Picture) and the International Space Station (ISS) made by the United States (US), Russia, Japan, Europe and Canada (the bottom Picture). Note that the US had officially banned China from the ISS back in 2011

February 2, 2022: Eileen Gu, who has an American Father and Chinese Mother, and who was born and raised in the United States (US) has decided to represent China in the ongoing 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games. She hopes to win as many as three Gold Medals in the Freestyle Skiing Events

January 24, 2022: China recently sent over three dozen Military Aircraft consisting of 24 J-16 Fighter Aircraft, ten J-10 Fighter Aircraft, one H-6 Bomber, two Y-9 Transport Aircraft and two Y-8 Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)  Aircraft to the Taiwan Strait in response to a Naval Exercise by the United States Navy (USN) in the Area

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