Friday, December 30, 2022

Philippine-China Relations, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Philippines and China, original Images from Wikimedia Commons
A composite Image of the Flags of the Philippines and China, original Images from Wikimedia Commons

December 23, 2022: The Province of Fujian in China is donating Robots to assist in Chinese Language and Culture Education to Chinese Schools in the Philippines. And they are not just donating a few, they are donating 400 units with each Robot containing Textbooks, Language Learning Application Modules and Human-Computer Interaction Function Modules

Decembrer 7, 2022: Billionaire Manny V. Pangilinan (MVP), who has long been behind Anti-China Efforts out here in the Philippines in the last Decade seems to be softening his Stance a bit and said that they are talking to an unnamed Chinese Company for the exploration of the Recto Bank Oil and Gas Field 

November 30, 2022: It is good that China is now looking at possibly investing outside of the National Capital Region (NCR) in Luzon also, like in Ilocos Norte where President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) served in the Executive Position for many Decades. What about our “so Precious” Ally the ‘Kanos’, what kind of Investments have they been announcing in that area lately, if any? ‘Baka puro Giyera lang ang nasa Utak Pulbura nila?’ (Maybe all they think of in their Gun Powder-filled Brains is War?) LOL. 

November 21, 2022:Nakipag agawan na naman daw tayo sa Tsina, and of course nag mukha na namang Kontrabida ang Tsina, at bida ang Amerika kasi bibisita si Kam-ala “Cum-A-Lot” Harris. Ang hindi ko maintindihan e kung bakit Tsina lang ginagatungan natin, hindi ko naman nakikitaan tayo na nakikipag agawan sa me Sabah laban sa Malaysia, o sa me Itu Aba laban sa Taiwan. Kung makikipag agawan tayo e di lahatin na para “Fair”, hindi yung pinipili lang kung sino at kelan ang kokontrahin’.

(So we reportedly engaged in another Tug of War with China, and of course China now looks like the Villain again, and the United States the “Hero” since Kam-ala “Cum-A-Lot” Harris is visiting the Country. What I don’t understand is why we are only goading China, why aren’t we goading Malaysia in Sabah for example, or Taiwan over Itu Aba? If we are goading Countries, we should do it with all of them so it will be “Fair”, not just who and when to goad a Country).

November 18, 2022: President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) got to meet in Person with Chinese President Xi Jinping for the first time recently, and described it as “very pleasant” and more of a “Getting to know You” type of a meeting. They discussed Details of his upcoming State Visit to China in January of next Year, 2023, and Xi also got to meet again with former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA) who was with PBBM at that time

November 12, 2022: President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang recently agreed to further deepen the relations between the Philippines and China. Premier Li said that there should be continued Growth of the Relations between China and the Philippines, and that what the two Countries have in common "far outweighs" their differences, to which PBBM agreed with 

November 11, 2022: President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) has accepted the Invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping and is set to visit China on the first Week of January of next Year, 2023

November 1, 2022: China recently hosted a Forum that allowed Filipino Students to talk to Chinese Taikonauts onboard the Shenzhou-14 Space Station. The Event was attended by the First Lady Liza Araneta Marcos who gave a Speech talking about the Philippines’ Friendship with China
SOURCE: Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian Facebook Page Post, 11/01/22 – 1030H {Archived Link}

October 27, 2022: President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) congratulated Xi Jinping last October 27, 2022 for being reappointed as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The greeting came a bit late though as the reappointment came four days earlier last October 23, 2022

October 10, 2022: The Department of Transportation (DOTR) recently said that they are hoping to finalize the renegotiated Loan Agreement from China for the three major Infrastructure Projects that were cancelled before, which are Philippine National Railway (PNR) South Long-Haul, Subic-Clark Railway and Mindanao Railway Projects. As I wrote before, the Philippines needs to complete these Projects by 2028, not only as a hedge in case a Pinklawan Candidate wins as President in 2028 but also so People can start using the Projects at the soonest possible time

September 27, 2022: The Pinklawans are attacking Sara Duterte for delivering a Speech in Mandarin to greet China on their 73rd Founding Anniversary. Note that these are the very same American A$$ Kissing Pinklawans who GLADLY Lawyers for Malaysia on why we should give them Sabah, and who would willingly and freely give Itu Aba to Taiwan. Go ahead, ASK them about those Philippine Territories and see what they will answer to you. They are of course only angry at China because that is what their American Idols want them to be ...

September 16, 2022: The now famous Wuling Electric Vehicle (EV) is going to finally OFFICIALLY arrive in the Philippines starting the next Quarter (October to December 2022). As per their Website, Price will be approximately Php 650k for their Basic Macaron Version and Php 850k for their De Luxe Gameboy version, and according to their Post in an EV Group, 100 units will initially be available

September 3, 2022: China recently sent 22 Experts to train more than 60 Officers and Enlisted Personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on the Military Equipment that they donated. No mention was made on which Equipment these were for though, maybe these were for the ones they donated several Months ago
SOURCE: Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian Facebook Page Post, 09/03/22 – 1157H {Archived Link}

September 8, 2022: The Davao Region could soon be exporting its Durian to China as soon as this Year of 2022 after a Team of Experts organized by the Chinese Embassy in Manila made a Positive Assessment of them recently. China’s Total Durian Market was worth Usd 4.21 billion in 2021

July 15, 2022: I wonder what the Hell happened here. I thought everything was going well since China was even discussing NEW Loans like the one for the Davao-Samal Bridge recently. I hope the Chinese Embassy acts very quickly on this one, I am pretty sure the Anti-China, American A$$ Kissers will have a Grand Field Day using this as Propaganda

June 22, 2022: The Philippine Company Mount Zynai 0304 Mining Company (MZMC) and its Chinese Partner Shenzhou Investor Corp. is building a Smelting and Steel Plant in Zamboanga worth Usd 1 billion. MZMC will mine Steel Ore and make it into Steel Bars using the Plant which will employ up to 20,000 Workers

June 13, 2022: Outgoing President Rodrigo Duterte reiterated recently that the Philippines cannot afford to go to War with China. What’s funny is how most of the Privately owned Philippine Press didn’t want to report this and I had to find the News from a Foreign Press Organization 

* June 10, 2022: Incoming President Bong Bong Marcos said that he will continue President Rodrigo Duterte’s Independent Foreign Policy. If it’s any comfort to the Americans and their Filipino Dogs, from the looks of it, it seems that BBM will be much kinder to the United States (US) than Digong was to them
SOURCE: SMNI News Facebook Page Post, 06/10/22 – 1735H {Archived Link}

* June 10, 2022: Incoming President Bong Bong Marcos just described China as the Philippines’ “Strongest Partner” and “Good Friend” in a Speech recently. 'Mabuhay po kayo, BBM!!!'
SOURCE: SMNI News Facebook Page Post, 06/10/22 – 1954H {Archived Link}

June 9, 2022: The next President of the Republic of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos Jr. delivered a Special Message in celebration of the Philippines-China Friendship Day. I got goosebumps watching this, mabuhay po kayo, BBM!!!

June 7, 2022: China recently turned over to the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) the Final Batch of Broadcast Equipment worth Php 140 million that they donated to the Philippines

June 4, 2022: After making an Introductory Call to the Philippine Navy (PN) a couple of Weeks ago, the Defense Attache of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to the Philippines Senior Colonel Li Jianzhong also made an Introductory Call this time to the Philippine Army (PA) wherein he discussed matters related to Bilateral Training and Education
SOURCE: Philippine Army Facebook Page Post, 06/04/22 – 1711H {Archived Link}

June 2, 2022: China’s Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian made a Courtesy Visit to the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) to discuss possible Friendly Exchanges and Cooperation between the PCG and the China Coast Guard (CCG) 

May 28, 2022: The Chinese Hotpot Company Haidilao is set to enter the Philippine Market soon which is expected to create at least around 400 Jobs according to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). Hotpot is a Cooking Method where a Soup is constantly heated and various Ingredients and Foodstuff can be mixed into it

May 26, 2022: The new Defense Armed Forces Attache of China in the Philippines Senior Colonel Li Jianzhong made an Introductory Call to the Philippine Navy (PN) recently 
SOURCE: Philippine Navy (PN) Facebook Page Post, 05/26/22 – 1802H {Archived Link}

May 22, 2022: China’s Confucius Institute (CI) has been reinstalled at the Angeles University Foundation (AUF) in Pampanga recently. The CI promotes Chinese Educational and Cultural Programs in various Countries like the Philippines
SOURCE: Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian Facebook Page Post, 05/22/22 – 1519H {Archived Link} 

May 18, 2022: The next President of the Republic of the Philippines Ferdinand “Bong Bong” Marcos Jr. recently said that he wants the Philippines’ relations with China to “shift to a higher Gear” under his Administration, so this is very welcome News indeed for Philippine-China Relations

May 18, 2022: China recently opened the China-Philippines Friendship Park which composed of two Viewing Platforms on both ends of the brand new Binondo-Intramuros Bridge. Each Platform has a unique Steel Sculpture on it which I thik would be great for Social Media Selfies 
SOURCE: Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian {Archived Link}

April 30, 2022: China donated Friendship Packages to 350 Farmers and 150 Fisherfolks in Nasugbu, Batangas recently. A Tree-Planting Activity was also made after the handing out of Donations 

April 27, 2022: China will be donating six brand new Fire Trucks for use in Marawi City that is being rebuilt after the War that happened there in 2017 destroyed it

April 19, 2022: China just donated 200 Huawei Tablets worth Php 1.6 million to Pupils of seven Schools in Balanga City in Bataan. As usual, xie xie ni, Zhongguo (thank you, China)

April 18, 2022: The Chinese Company FCF Manufacturing Corporation is the biggest Exporter among the Companies located in the Freeport Area of Bataan (FAB), and is currently employing around 5,000 Filipinos

April 18, 2022: Just a look back to 2017, this was after President Rodrigo Duterte had won and went out to establish better relations with China. Because of that, both the American and Philippine Press went out with wild Predictions of how the Philippines would end up in China’s supposed “Debt Trap”. And yet here we are now five Years later and as Duterte’s Term ends, and all those predictions have proven to be quite untrue

April 18, 2022: China has expressed sympathies to all those in the Philippines affected by the recent Typhoon Agaton and has also donated Usd 200,000 (around Php 10 million) for them 

April 18, 2022: A Chinese Company is building what will be the largest Power Plant in the Philippines so far. It is located in Mariveles, Bataan and is called the Dinginin 2 x 660 MW Coal-fired Power Station. Its construction has provided over 22,000 Job Opportunies for Filipinos

April 5, 2022: President Rodrigo Duterte continues with his Policy of Friendly Relations with China, unlike all the American A$$ Kisers here in the Philippines who are only against China because that is the only Country with a Territorial Dispute with us that their American Masters will support us with

February 18, 2022: China has been the Philippines’ largest Trading Partner in the last six Years, from 2016 to 2021. Trade between China and the Philippines in 2021 was at Usd 38.3 billion, a 25% increase from the previous Year of 2020. Trade with China also takes up 20% of the Philippines’ Total Foreign Trade

January 28, 2022: China is now the Number One Buyer of the Philippines’ Fishery Products, importing Usd 99.1 million (Php 5.05 billion at Usd 1 = Php 51) in the first 11 Months of 2021. This was a 203% increase compared to 2020, and comprised 29% of the Philippines total Fishery Product Exports
SOURCE: Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian Facebook Page Post, 01/28/22 - 1142H {Archived Link}

January 17, 2022: China is donating another Rmb 100 million (approximately Php 800 million) to the Philippines to aid in the reconstruction of the Areas affected by Typhoon Odette. Thanks again, China!

January 6, 2022: President Rodrigo Duterte recently revealed that he had already received his Booster Shot against the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) using the Chinese-made Sinopharm Vaccine

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