Wednesday, March 2, 2022

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, March 2, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title

Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* Russian Convoy 64 km long approaches Kiev
A Russian Military Convoy that stretches for 40 km is seen bow approaching the Ukrainian Capital of Kiev from the North, based on Images taken by the American Satellite Imaging Company Maxar Technologies 
SOURCE: Russian Military Convoy north of Kyiv stretches for 40 miles – Maxar {Archived Link}

* Russia behind schedule in Ukraine Invasion
We are on the fifth day of the Invasion of Russia on Ukraine, and around the fourth Day on the Assault on the Ukrainian Capital of Kiev

American and UK Officials estimate that the Russians are behind their own schedule in conquering Ukraine, and it does seem that way. 

Russian Forces are reportedly having Logistical problems, and the strong resistance by Ukrainian Forces have also severely hampered them.  
SOURCE: Russia ‘Behind Schedule’ on Ukraine Invasion, Officials say {Archived Link}

* Putin’s threat of using Nuclear Weapons before Ukraine Invasion
There's actually a Video of Russian President Vladimir Putin taken last February 9, 2022 where he also made a veiled threat of using Nuclear Weapons against the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Remember that this was around two Weeks before he invaded Ukraine. I didn't post it then as I thought it would scare off People, but I guess after all that has happened then it is time to post it later ...

* India also facing Racism in Ukraine
It turns out it is not only the Africans who are facing discrimination in Ukraine, so are the Indians, especially now since India has been insisting on staying Neutral in this ongoing Russia-Ukraine War
SOURCE: In Kharkiv, Indians face Food shortage, Racism, danger to Life as they try to leave {Archived Link}

* Ukraine lifts Visa Requirements for Foreigners who will fight Russia
Ukraine has lifted all Visa Requirements for Foreigners who are willing to fight with them against Russia. So, will we see the American and Ukraine loving Pinklawans to go and form a Unit there? Or are they just content on ranting against Russia in the Philippine Republic of Twitter? LOL
SOURCE: Ukraine waives Visa Requirements for Foreigners who want to come and fight Russia {Archived Link}

* Groundwork for the next World War now being laid
China cannot abandon Russia right now, if they do, they will find themselves with even less Allies against the West. 

However, if China stays with Russia, then they will the West's next target, especially if Russia survives this Economic Sanctions by the Western Countries. 

If so, then we really could have a World War soon, I think within the Decade. I used to think it will take longer, but when Superpower Countries encounter hardships caused by another, then expect War to come. 

* Sanctions will hurt the West also
What the West isn't telling everybody is the fact that these Economic Sanctions against Russia will hurt their Economies also. 

What they are counting on is that it will hurt Russia more, and that the resulting Economic Chaos there will cause a Regime change and remove Vladimir Putin from Power. 

This may even be part of their plan all along. But if China sticks with Russia, I think Russia could survive. They may even form a Trading Block with other Pariah Countries like Iran, Venezuela, maybe even North Korea

If so, then China will be targeted next. If China abandons Russia, it will even be more alone against the West. 

All these developments will likely lead to a World War soon. 

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