Sunday, March 6, 2022

The Comedian President Zelensky was a Disaster for Ukraine – Until Russia Invaded

Contrasting Headlines just before and after the invasion of Russia about the Comedian President Zelensky of Ukraine
Contrasting Headlines just before and after the invasion of Russia about the Comedian President Zelensky of Ukraine

Ukraine’s Comedian turned President Volodymyr Zelensky was an utter disaster for his Country, but that is until Russia decided to invade Ukraine.

Months before Russia’s February 24, 2022 invasion, Zelensky’s Approval Rating was well below 50%, it was only 34% in June 2021, 29% in July 2021 and 28% in October 2021.  

An Article by the WION Website published just Days before Russia’s Invasion dated February 21, 2022 noted a Poll that said only 30% of Ukrainians wanted him to run for a second Term as President and that only 23% would vote for him if he did. 

A New York Times Article also dated February 21, 2022 mentioned why Zelensky became unpopular in Ukraine, and that mainly because he was just incompetent and corrupt in terms of running his Country.

His famous Road Construction Projects for example were said to be overpriced and rigged for certain favored Companies to win, and the Brother of his Chief of Staff was caught offering Government Posts for Money. 

But now, after Russia’s invasion, his Approval Rating in Ukraine went up to 91% and he is being glorified by Western Propaganda as a “strong” and “brave” Leader that is standing up to Russian President Vladimir Putin

All of his incompetence and corruption just before the War has all been “forgiven” or forgotten, and he is now a “Hero”. He should thank Putin then because if not, he would still be a Heel right now.    

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