Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Soldiers taunt Muslim Chechen Soldiers with Ammo dipped in Pig Fat

Article about the Azov taunting the Chechens with Pig Fat
Article about the Azov taunting the Chechens with Pig Fat

The National Guard of Ukraine posted a Video on Twitter showing Fighters belonging to the Azov Batallion of the Ukrainian Ground Forces taunting the Muslim Chechen Soldiers fighting on the side of Russia by dipping the Ammunition they are using in Pig Fat. 

Pigs or Swines are considered “unclean”  in the Islamic Religion, and its Practitioners are forbidden from consuming it. Thus if any part of a Pig touches an Islamic Practitioner, they can be considered as “contaminated” and “unclean” also. 

The Chechnya Region of Russia had sent Muslim Chechen Fighters to Ukraine a couple of Days ago to help Russia fight the Ukrainians. 

These Chechen Fighters are also known as the “Kadyrovtsy” and are usually seen nowadays wearing Beards on the their Faces. They have a reputation for being fierce and brave Warriors, with that reputation strengthened during the Chechen Wars with Russia. 

The Ukrainian Azov Batallion on the other hand, are known to harbor Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists within their Unit. They are also seen wearing the “Wolfsangel” Insignia used by Nazis during World War Two (WW2)

So the fierce the Muslim Chechen Kadyrovtsy versus the Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist Azov Batallion? This would be an interesting match if it happens. 

SOURCE: Ukrainian Fighters grease Bullets against Chechens with Pig Fat {Archived Link}

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