Friday, March 18, 2022

The True Status of the 2022 Russia-Ukraine War as of March 14, 2022

Here is a Must-Watch Interview of retired United States (US) Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor which to me reflects the true status of the ongoing War between Ukraine and Russia

Macgregor is a Veteran of the Gulf War, and he not only saw action there but also served with Distinction. You can Google yourself his exploits there, but meanwhile this is a portion of the Video of him during his Interview on the Show called "The Grayzone" with Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate

The original Interview is over two hours long, this is just a clip of that. Basically what he is saying is this: 

* The goal of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine is not necessarily to gain Territory, but to destroy the Ukrainian Forces. 

* Cities and Towns are being surrounded by the Russian Armed Forces, everything worth controlling is being controlled.   

* The Ukrainians are only able to make Counterattacks that doesn't really affect the general outcome of the War.

* The progress is slow for the Russians on those Cities that are under siege or surrounded because they are trying to minimize as much as possible Civilian Casualties or Damage. If they hadn't those would've been much more considerable than what it is now.

* The West is exploiting this slow progress to say that it is a sign of impending defeat of the Russians, which is also giving false hopes to the Ukrainians. That is the Narrative or Story of the Propaganda being used by the West as of now.

* Around 60,000 Troops are reportedly encircled on the South-Eastern side of Ukraine (like in Mariupol), and unless they surrender, things won't go well for them. 

* The Russian Troops are avoiding the Central, Agricultural Area of Ukraine as they don't want to disrupt the Agricultural capacity of Ukraine, whose main Crops are Wheat and Barley.

* Ukrainian Troops are preventing the evacuation of Civilians from the Cities because they are using them as Human Shields. They are fighting in Residential Areas and filming and crying about Human Rights when they are being struck back on.

'My Comments'
Just to expand on what Macgregor said about Cities and Towns being controlled, here is an update of the Status of the Major Cities as of March 13, 2022 based on the Map Pictures I posted a couple of Days ago: 

- The Cities that have been captured already by the Russian Armed Forces are Kherson, Berdiansk and Melitopol;

- The Cities that have been fully surrounded are Chernihiv and Mariupol. Partially surrounded are Kyiv and Nikolayev/Mykolayiv;

- Cities that are under siege are Kharkiv and Severodonetsk

As a parting Note, remember that Propaganda is a very big part of the Foreign Policy of the West. They just don't want you to know about it because if you do, it (the Propaganda) will end up with much less impact. 

I have generated a Transcription of this Portion of the Interview so everyone can read it if they want to instead of watching the almost eight minute long Video. 


"Well as to the last point it's very obvious that what Ukrainian Forces are still active, are entirely surrounded cut off and isolated in various Towns and Cities. The Ukrainian Forces are incapable of anything but an occasional pinprick attack on, on something that doesn't appear to be very robust or dangerous.

So the war, for all intents and purposes has been decided. The, the issue for the Russians from the very beginning has been how do we proceed without killing large numbers of Civilians and inflicting a lot of property damage. And Putin gave very strict orders from the outset that they were to avoid these things. 

The problem with avoiding it is that it has slowed the progress of the operation to the point where it has given false hope both to the Ukrainians, but I think has been seized on by people in the West to try and convince the World that a defeat is in progress when in fact the opposite is the case.

So the War itself at this stage of the game could be decided very very rapidly, uh permanently if Putin were to give the order and allow the Forces to disregard the concern for Civilians and Property Damage, but he hasn't done that. 

He has continued to negotiate even though he recognizes that the people sitting across from him really are not in a position to deliver very much. 

They're being told what to do and it's very obvious that Washington wants this to continue as long as possible in the hopes, that Russia will be desperately harmed. I just don't see that happening. This Morning the latest polling data was given to me from, uh Eastern Poland about Russia, and 70 of the Russian population is firmly behind Vladimir Putin. 

That's a very large percentage in any conflict for any President to enjoy (that's not, almost ten percent). Allegedly lost two thousand dead, uh I have no way of confirming that, nobody else does. That may well be the case but out of two hundred thousand Forces, two hundred thousand Troops that's a, re not an unreasonable amount for three weeks of fighting. 

The thousands of Ukrainians who being killed Soldiers is anyone's guess because obviously Kiev isn't going to report that honestly. We're going to get inflated figure, figures for their opponents and untrue figures for themselves.

So I think the big problem right now is that in the West there is no truth, there is wishful thinking and there is this impression of success by the Ukrainians that doesn't stack up. In fact the Russians are capturing large quantities of Western Equipment, British and American that are being shipped to them at this point. 

(Yeah we have a Map, uh from South Front which I think might be more accurate than the Kagans Think Tank, the Institute for the Study of War. Right to your left I'm not sure if you see it on screen, but as you see the red, uh marks Russian, Russian Positions. The Russian incursion and if you look to the North, to the North of Ukraine just north of Kiev, you can see Russia forming positions around Kiev and essentially encircling.) 

(That's my view encircling Divisions of the Ukrainian Military and in, the in the East there's a rapid advance not only of Russian Forces but Forces from Lugansk and Donetsk who are, uh technically according to the US, Ukrainian.) 

(And you can see pockets there which I would call cauldrons. Uum you know can you can you give us an assessment based on what you see of this map uh as of march 14th.) 

Well on the South Eastern Side towards the bottom you have as many as 60,000 Ukrainian Troops that are completely surrounded in what the Russians are referring to as a Cauldron.

That's been going on for several Days now. No one knows what the status of those Forces, is, they're probably running out of Water, Supplies, Ammunition. 

Uh the Russians would prefer that they surrender. Some have, but uh, there may be pressure now to end this, which would result in the mass slaughter of some 60,000 troops, and I don't think the Russians are interested in that. I think what the Russians are interested in, is what you see they've gone to the Large Population Centers.

They've tried to avoid the center of, the central portion of Ukraine because that's the Agricultural Area. In fact Russian Troops have been told to stay out of the Fields. The Russians realize that we're on the verge of spring planting in Ukraine. 

They're not interested in destroying the Wheat and Barley Crops at all. They would prefer to see that go ahead. So the issue for the Russians right now is that everything worth controlling is controlled. 

Uh this notion that you hear over and over and over again on Television, well they're they haven't increased their Territorial Control, they're not interested in Territory. The entire operation from day one was focused on the destruction of Ukrainian Forces. 

That's largely complete with the exception of those that are still surrounded. They've got a huge problem in Mariupol which is off to the right where you have roughly 3,000 of these fanatical Fighters in the Azov Regiment or battalion, whatever you want to call it who are refusing to allow any of the Civilians in the City to leave. 

In fact I saw footage this morning of these Ukrainian as off Troops telling the, the Population there you can't leave even though the Russians had opened a Corridor for Humanitarian Assistance and Evacuation. 

Again these things are not reported in the West because it tends to damage the narrative. So my great concern is the determination to annihilate the Azov crowd, that could result in real destruction in Mariupol which would be terrible for the People there.

But again, one doesn't know what the thinking is at higher levels. I suspect there's a desire to end this get this over with, but as long as Zelensky stalls, the more Ukrainian Forces will be killed. And it doesn't make any difference how much we try to ship into Ukraine, they can't assimilate it and use it effectively in any case at this point. 

But again this satisfies the narrative that the Russians are losing, Putin is evil and must be driven out and he's the aggressor. All of the information going back to 2014 and earlier is, essentially deleted from the discussion. 

The fact that they've lost 14,000 people killed in the War since 2014 that the Ukrainians have waged relentlessly against the Russians in the East. That's ignored. So it's, it's very tragic, but I think what will happen is the truth will out, eventually this will end, the Russians will be successful in what they set out to do, and the Ukrainians will be destroyed. 

I, I'd rather not see that, I don't think Putin wants to see that. Remember he's fighting against People that he largely considers to be very much like himself. There is no desire to murder all of these People, contrary to popular belief. 

The biggest lie I've heard repeated on Television is Russian Troops have been told to deliberately murder Civilians, Ukrainian Civilians. It's absurd nonsense, nothing could be further from the truth. Do they make mistakes, do munitions fall on things they'd rather not? Of course, we make those mistakes.

Every Military Organization does. But it is as ridiculous to assert that the Russians are deliberately murdering Civilians ..."

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