Tuesday, April 19, 2022

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, March 19, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title

Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* Life slowly getting back to normal in Mariupol
Videos shown on the Intel Slava Z Telegram Account shows life in most of the areas that were liberated by Russia and its Allies in Mariupol slowly getting back to normal. 

Just some mopping up to do, some Ukrainians still holed up in some parts of the City cornered like Rats. 

* The US Pot calling the Russian Kettle “Black”
The Americans, the same ones who just lost to the TALIBAN recently, are making of fun of Russia's Military Performance in Ukraine? Really? 🤣

* Iran agrees in Russian Ruble Trade 
Iran has agreed to trade directly with Russia’s Ruble Currency with their own Iranian Rial Currency 
SOURCE: Iran Accepts Russia's Offer On Rial-Ruble Trade Amid West's Barrage Of Financial Sanctions {Archived Link}

* Hungary also to pay in Rubles for Russian Gas
After Slovakia, another Country in Europe that has just declared it is willing to pay Imported Natural Gas from Russia using the Ruble Currency is Hungary, as confirmed by no less than its Prime Minister Viktor Orban itself
SOURCE: Hungary Breaks with EU, will pay for Russian Gas in Rubles {Archived Link}

* Banned Southfront Website on Facebook
The Southfront Website is posting some good updates about the War in Ukraine, and I wanted to post one of their Articles on my Defense Page on Facebook

However, it turns out that Facebook has banned that Website from being shared on their Platform, when you try to share an Article from them, Facebook won't even show the Preview of the Article before you post it. 

That is the kind of CENSORSHIP that is happening now on Facebook. It is not really a "Free Marketplace of Ideas" anymore as the Westerners keep boasting about, they are silencing those that do not agree with their Opinions. 

* US claims to know what is “Best” for India than India itself
It is absolutely utterly amazing that the United States (US) now claims to know what is “Best” for India than India itself. Imagine that, having the gall to say that they know what is best for another Country and then telling India to drop Russia. This is the kind of bullsh1t the Philippines have to deal with everyday from the US, and only their Filipino Pet Dogs are willing and proud to do it
SOURCE: US Wants India to 'downscale' Russian Military Equipment: 'Purchase not in Best Interest' {Archived Link}

* Austria rejects Sanctions against Russia as it will hurt them more
The European Country of Austria does not agree with any Sanction by the European Union (EU) that will ban Oil and Gas from Russia, saying that their Country is very much dependent on Natural Gas from Russia and that any Sanction will hit them more
SOURCE: Austria rejects Sanctions against Russian Oil, Gas {Archived Link}

* Indonesia called for an Independent Probe into the supposed Bucha Massacre
While the Philippine Foreign Affairs Department has been busy jumping into every single Propaganda against Russia by Ukraine and the United States (US), Indonesia has shown amazing restraint and level-headedness by calling for an Independent Investigation on the supposed Massacre of Civilians by Russia in the City of Bucha
SOURCE: Indonesia calls for 'independent' Bucha killings Probe {Archived Link}

* US Economy to go into a Recession in 2023
The German Deutsche Bank predicts that the Economy of the United States (US) will go into a Recession next Year (2023) due to ongoing high Inflation Rate that the Country is facing right now. A Recession means that a Country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will grow at a negative rate
SOURCE: Deutsche Bank predicts US Recession next Year as Fed hikes Rates {Archived Link}

* Singapore also asked for Independent Inquiry on Bucha
Another Country that has shown much Level-headedness and Restraint on the issue of the ongoing War in Ukraine is Singapore. Like Indonesia, they called for an Independent Inquiry into the supposed Massacre of Civilians by Russian Troops in the City of Bucha
SOURCE: Singapore abstains from Vote to suspend Russia from UN Human Rights Body, urges support for Inquiry on Violations in Ukraine {Archived Link}

* US pressures India by labeling them with “worsening” HR Record
India, who has been resisted intense pressure from the United States (US) to drop Russia, is now suddenly being labeled as having a “worsening” Human Rights (HR) record by the Americans themselves. Time for India to choose: Be a Vassal State of the Americans, or work out its differences with China? Up to them, their choice
SOURCE: Blinken: US monitoring rise in Human Rights abuses in India {Archived Link}

* Singapore warns US about isolating China over Ukraine 
Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has warned the United States (US) against them isolating China over the ongoing War in Ukraine saying that it will further complicate the already complicated relationship between the two Superpowers
SOURCE: Singapore’s Lee warns US against isolating China over Ukraine {Archived Link}

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