Friday, April 22, 2022

Putin cancels final Assault on Azovstal Plant, opts instead for Blockade and Bombardment

A Screenshot of the Article of Putin's decision to cancel the Assault on the Azovstal Plant
A Screenshot of the Article of Putin's decision to cancel the Assault on the Azovstal Plant

Russian President Vladimir Putin has canceled a planned final Assault on the Azovstal Steel Plant in the City of Mariupol to preserve the lives of Russian Troops and ordered instead to continue to blockade and bomb the Area. 

The Ukrainian Troops and Mercenaries still holed up in the Plant now have the choice to either Surrender, or die of Hunger or Bombardment. 

I think this is a wise choice as the desperate Ukrainian Forces are probably just looking to kill as many Russian Troops as they can before they themselves are killed. 

The Azovstal Plant is a difficult area to “cleanse” of Ukrainian Forces as it has a Network of Tunnels and an Underground Shelter underneath it where Russian Troops could be ambushed. Going in there will likely result in many Russian deaths before all the Ukrainian Forces are exterminated.

SOURCE: Putin calls off plan to storm Mariupol Plant, opts for Blockade instead {Archived Link}

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