Monday, May 2, 2022

Ukraine’s Air Force Command admits the “Ghost of Kyiv” is Fake

Screenshot of the Post made by Ukraine's Air Force Command admitting that the Ghost of Kyiv is Fake
Screenshot of the Post made by Ukraine's Air Force Command admitting that the Ghost of Kyiv is Fake

The official Air Force Command Facebook Page of Ukraine itself just admitted that the so-called “Ghost of Kyiv” is Fake. Now the manipulative and shamelessly biased Western Press is trying to ignore this or skirt around it, this is the reason why intentionally put up this Blog to point it out since they won’t. 

This is just another of the now long list of Fake News that Ukraine has been generating since Russia’s Military Action against them started. 

Aside from this, there is also the 13 Border Guards that they said were all killed when they said “F*ck you” to Russia. There were more than 13, and they were all captured by Russia.

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