Saturday, October 29, 2022

All Quiet on the Western Front (2022) Movie Review

All Quiet on the Western Front Poster by Netflix
All Quiet on the Western Front Poster by Netflix

The Movie is set during the last Year of the First World War and is told from the German Point of View. It follows a Soldier named Paul Baumer right from his recruitment into the Army and up to the end of the War. 

It is a bit long at with around two and a half Hours of Running Time, and there is a slow spot near the Middle for me, but overall it is a pretty good one. 

I think the best way to describe this Movie is that it is an “Emotional Damage” type of Movie, it was almost one Emotionally Traumatic Scene after the other. I’ll try not to give away too much in terms of Spoilers for that as I feel that those are best seen onscreen. 

There are some light Moments here and there, but overall this is mainly a sad Movie. The highlight for me would definitely be the Scenes when the French started using their Tanks and Flamethrowers against the Germans which helped them win the War. 

The Cinematography is fantastic, there are a lot of beautiful Panoramic Shots under cloud cast Skies, and there are the now common continuous Shots in some Scenes which help heighten their emotional impact. 

In a way this Movie is similar to Sam Mendes’ “1917”, and although I think that one is better overall, this one is still an important Movie about the First World War (which is now over a Century old) that everyone should watch. Definitely a Must-See for me. 

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